Reduce your risks with RedXTMRisk Management Solution
Lower Your Risk from Financial Fraud
Strengthen Your Diligence Process
Improve Compliance
Reduce Your Regulatory Risks
Protect Your Reputation

Increase the Speed of Partner Risk Assessment

Reduce Manual Work

Automate Ongoing Risk Monitoring

Audit Trail for Diligence Records
Get Started Today in Strengthening Your
Risk Management Process
Automated ongoing risk monitoring
Two decades of collective risk intelligence
Multi-professional and multi-jurisdictional coverage
Workflow integration
On demand access to information
Protect your firm and industry
Two Decades of Partnership with the Financial Services Industry
The Real Estate Data Exchangeâ„¢ (REDX) service has been an essential partner for two decades in providing risk management solutions to the mortgage and financial service industries. REDX provides a system that enables subscribers to have a comprehensive view of the professionals and companies with whom they do business.
Critical diligence information includes disciplinary, enforcement and certain legal actions taken by regulatory bodies and self-regulating organizations that oversee professionals in the mortgage, real estate, appraisal, banking, securities and related financial services industries. This information is further complemented by key data contributions from our subscribers.